The Fallschirmjäger Collection – Overloon War Museum, The Netherlands


On the 30th of September 1944, shortly after the failure of Operation MARKET GARDEN, German and Allied forces clashed in the vicinity of Overloon, approximately 35km south of Nijmegan. It took almost three weeks before Overloon was liberated and the clash went down in history as the most intense tank battle that ever took place on Dutch soil. Harrie van Daal, a civil servant was living in the area during that time and in May 1945 after walking through the battle ravaged Overloonse forest petitioned the Mayor and local pastor to create a memorial honouring those who fought. On May 25, 1946, the Oorlogsmuseum Overloon (Overloon War Museum) opened to the public – even before the village itself was rebuilt. It was the first museum about the Second World War in Western Europe. I will cover the museum in more depth in a future article, but one of the highlights is undoubtedly the Fallschirmjäger Collection which is part of their “Turning Point Europe” exhibition section.

Overloon Oorlogsmuseum Fallschirmjäger collection header
Overloon Oorlogsmuseum Fallschirmjäger collection-1

Unlike the Dead Man’s Corner museum in Normandy (see my review and pictures here), which concentrates on the actions of the German paras at Normandy, the Fallschirmjäger Collection presents an overview of the German paras from the early days of WW2 up until 1945. It does this in eight display cases filled with uniforms, equipment and related ephemera.

The first display shows the paratroopers of the early war and the invasion of the low countries, including mannequins representing their Dutch opponents.

1 Overloon Oorlogsmuseum Fallschirmjäger collection early years-1
1 Overloon Oorlogsmuseum Fallschirmjäger collection early years-2

The next section shows the uniforms and equipment used during the campaign in North Africa. This is followed by a showcase displaying the paratroopers as they would have been seen in Sicily and the Italian Campaign.

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2 Overloon Oorlogsmuseum Fallschirmjäger collection Africa-8

The mannequin display cabinets are also broken up by others featuring an impressive collection of fallschirmjäger related documents, insignia, personal artifacts and other related ephemera.

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4 Overloon Oorlogsmuseum Fallschirmjäger collection -1
4 Overloon Oorlogsmuseum Fallschirmjäger collection -13

This is followed by showcases depicting the fighting in the Netherlands during the 1944/45 period and then jumps to displays of the fallschirmjäger kitted out in the equipment used during the fighting in the area of Monte Cassino and the Grand Sasso.  The exhibition finishes with the final display cases representing the paratroopers on the Eastern Front during the winter months.

6 Overloon Oorlogsmuseum Fallschirmjäger collection 1944-5-1
6 Overloon Oorlogsmuseum Fallschirmjäger collection 1944-5-2
7 Overloon Oorlogsmuseum Fallschirmjäger collection Monte Cassino Gran Sasso-1
8 Overloon Oorlogsmuseum Fallschirmjäger collection Eastern Front Winter-6
8 Overloon Oorlogsmuseum Fallschirmjäger collection Eastern Front Winter-10
8 Overloon Oorlogsmuseum Fallschirmjäger collection Eastern Front Winter-2-Edit-2

I visited the Oorlogsmuseum Oveloon as a day-trip excursion during my exploration of the battlefields and museums related to Operation MARKET GARDEN in the Arnhem area. Traveling by car it is a relatively short trip from Oosterbeek, roughly an hour’s drive  from The Airborne Museum Hartenstein. If you have the time, definitely plan to visit, even without the Fallschirmjäger Collection, the Oorlogsmuseum Overloon remains one of the most impressive WW2 military museums that I have encountered.

Oorlogsmuseum Overloon / Overloon War Museum
Museumpark 1
5825 AM Overloon
The Netherlands


Phone: +31 (0)478 – 641250



Open: The museum is open Monday to Friday from 10:00 – 17:00 and on weekends from 11:00 – 17:00. It also has reduced visiting hours on some days and is closed on some public holidays so it is best to confirm their opening schedule here. Due to current restrictions the museum only allows a limited number of visitors each days and online ticket reservations are essential prior to visiting.
