Juleswings Militaria – Green On! Go!

Welcome to the new JULESWINGS MILITARIA page.

This has taken much longer than I was led to believe, but I have finally migrated all the content across from my old www.juleswings.wordpress.com blogsite to this www.juleswings.com domain. I made this change because I want to add new features to my site. It will still be focused on articles and reviews, but now will also include a section that I can use to advertise some of my excess militaria for exchange, or if a trade is not possible, then sale. That section is far from complete as I work out the nuts and bolts of how to do it, but for now here is an overview of the site.


Home page. This is where all my latest articles, reviews and updates will appear in chronological order. If you are looking for something specific use the SEARCH option in the left panel or continue to scroll down the left panel past my Instagram feed to the ARCHIVE categories. My Instagram page is where I am currently showing pieces from my collection that I have not yet sorted or incorporated into articles on this page.

Wanted Items

Wanted Items is where I outline what I collect and what I am searching for, including images of specific pieces from some of the categories. I will buy or trade for items that fit into my collecting interest areas. Please have a look at the page and see if you can help me find these items.


Shop (coming soon) is a NEW section where I will be listing the items that are duplicates or no longer align with my collecting interests. I called it shop for search engine optimisation, but as a collector my preference is always to trade instead of selling, so refer to my Wanted Items page and contact me to see if we can do a deal.

Insignia Books & References

Insignia Books & References. This is an ongoing work in progress. It is a list of the printed publications that I use to assist in identifying the insignia in my collection. There is still a lot more content that I need to add here, so it will grow considerably in the coming months.

Museum Collections

Museum Collections is an expanding list of links to military related museums around the globe. I travel a lot and a big part of my decision making is based around visiting military museums and things of related interest, so I decided to start compiling a list that I can refer back to when I’m planning to visit a place. The page is far from complete and will continue to grow. If you know of military museums, both public or private, that I have missed (and there are lots) please contact me and I will add the link to my list. I also post images and reviews of the museums that I have visited, and you can find these in my archive’s Battlefields & Museums category.

Links & Resources

Links & Resources compliments the Insignia Books & References section with a list of online resources. It is far from complete and another area that I need to tidy up as it still requires a lot of work.


Multimedia is another NEW section of the site. This is where you can find multimedia and additional video links to movies and documentaries related to the content posted in the articles.

About & Contact

About and Contact should be self-explanatory. Please contact me if you have feedback about the content, have questions, suggestions or want to discuss aspects of our hobby.