Ray Beattie – Image for a Dead Man
Death through absence. Vietnam veteran Ray Beattie's controversial 1980 painting "Image for a Dead Man" expresses a soldier's grief at the loss of comrades and a statement about the repercussions of war. Lest We Forget.

‘A Bridge Too Far’ – Arnhem 1944
On 17 September 1944, the Allies launched Operation MARKET GARDEN, the ill-fated attempt to create a 103km corridor through German...

EDITORIAL: Australian Chief of Army’s directive re use of ‘death’ symbols
In early April 2018, the Chief of Army, Lt. Gen. Angus Campbell, a former Australian SAS officer, released a memo...

The Spirit of Anzac Centenary Experience. Perth 29 November – 11 December 2016
The Spirit of Anzac Centenary Experience is a traveling exhibition that mainly tells the story of Australia’s involvement in the...

Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance galleries
I’ve just returned from a weekend trip to Melbourne and on Sunday afternoon, just before heading to the airport I...

Tirailleurs Tonkinois (Lintap) circa 1885.
This photograph, showing indigenous Indochinese infantrymen is number 16 in a series that was taken by one Dr Hocquard who...

Information for the Vietnam war historian
I’ll add this to the links list, but for anybody interested in the conflict in Indochina, the Vietnam War Resource...