An Australian Vietnam War Era Zippo Lighter – 7 RAR 1967-68
A look at a rare Australian Vietnam War era Zippo lighter, produced at the conclusion the 7th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment’s first tour in April 1968.

A Vietnam War AATTV MIKE Force Aussie Advisor’s Zippo
Zippo lighter belonging to John Vincent of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam AATTV who trained and led the indigenous Montagnard troops of MIKE Force during the Vietnam War

Australian National Vietnam Veterans Museum – Photo Review
The National Vietnam Veterans Museum on Phillip Island in Victoria is a very impressive volunteer run museum that seeks to remember, interpret and understand the experience of the veterans of Australia’s second longest conflict and the enduring impact of the Vietnam War.

French Indochina – Rare Cao Đai ‘Unification Of Sects’ Badge
A rare Cao Đài militia badge from the French Indochina War

Indochina Wars – Cambodia’s KPNLAF faction (1979 – 92)
Some more insignia from my 'private armies' and militia groups collection. These are from the Khmer People’s National Liberation Armed Forces (KPNLAF) which existed between 1979 and 1992.

Vietnam War – The Long Tan Memorial cross
11:00 hrs, 18 August 1966. Nui Dat, South Vietnam. Delta Company from the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (D Coy,...

The Ho Chi Minh Campaign Museum – HCMC, Vietnam
The Ho Chi Minh Campaign Museum (Bảo tàng Chiến dịch Hồ Chí Minh) is a military museum in Ho Chi...

AATTV – WO2 Jock Rutherford MM
‘Jock’ Rutherford completed two tours of Vietnam. During his first tour in 1966 he was awarded the Military Medal for bravery during Operation HOBART. His second was with the AATTV training Vietnamese RF troops as part of the MATT program.

Australian Airborne & Special Operations Unit InsigniaInsigniaThe 'juleswings' CollectionThe Indochina Wars
Mike Force, the AATTV and the relief of Dak Seang, April 1970
. Over the years I have been fortunate to acquire a number of Australian Army Training Team Vietnam and ARVN...

The Thai Police Aerial Reinforcement Unit (PARU) 1954 – 1974
The Thai Police Aerial Reinforcement Unit (PARU) 1954 - 1974. Despite it's innocuous sounding name, the unit was an extremely well trained special operations unit that was raised by the CIA and served with distinction during the 'Secret War' in Laos during the Vietnam conflict.