Australian Airborne & Special Operations Unit InsigniaInsigniaThe 'juleswings' CollectionThe Indochina Wars
Mike Force, the AATTV and the relief of Dak Seang, April 1970
. Over the years I have been fortunate to acquire a number of Australian Army Training Team Vietnam and ARVN...

Australian Airborne Insignia #4 – RAAF Combat Controller Teams
A look at the insignia of the Royal Australian Air Force, Combat Controller Teams (CCT) of B Flight, 4 Squadron, one of the newest additions to the Australian Special Operations community.

Australian Airborne Insignia #2. The 6RAR Parachute Company Group
In 1974, the Brisbane based 6th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (6RAR) under the command of Lt Col Tony Hammett took...

Australian Airborne Insignia #1 – Airborne Platoon?
This is the first of an ongoing series of articles which will take a closer look at some of the...

Exhibition: From the Shadows – Australia’s Special Forces
Australia’s special forces trace their history back to World War 2, with the operations conducted by the Independent Commando companies,...

Australian Airborne Insignia #3 – The RAN ‘Special Duties’ parachutist wing
Whilst many people think that these are a Special Air Service wing, because of its shape and similarity to the...

A special pair of wings
These Australian SAS parachutist wings are amongst the most prized in my collection for a couple of reasons. Apart from...

The Olympic Games. Sydney 2000, watching from the shadows.
With the recent G4S security recruitment debacle and the heightened threat of terrorist attack much has been made of the...